Friday, September 17, 2021

Newa Musical Instruments

There are a great number of Newar musical instruments. These instruments can be classified into four classes according to Sangeet Shastra.

Membranophones - Dhimay, Dhah, Paschima, NyaKhin etc.

Idiophones - Bhusyah, Chhusyah, Tain nain, Baboocha, TiniMuni, Gan etc.

Chordophones - Piwancha

Aerophones - Muhali, Nekoo, Bansuri, Baya, Ponga, Kaha etc.

Mostly used musical instruments in Newar societies are membranophones, which are generally accompanied with idiophones and aerophones.

The instruments can be categorized as:
Membranophones: Dhimay, Paschima, Khin, Kwonchakhin, Damakhin, Dhaa, Nayekhin, Dholak, Nagara, Kantan dab dab

Chordophones: Piwancha, Sarangi

Aerophones: Bansuri, Baye, Mwaali, Ponga, Kaahan

Idiophones: Taa, Babhu, Chhusyaa, Kaynpin, Bhusyaa


Dhimay is one of the important musical instruments in Newar culture. It is considered as the oldest musical instruments amongst the membranophones and is said that God Mahadev has invented this musical instrument. Even though there is no evidence to this legend, there is evidence to support that it dates back to Kirat period. In Nepalese history this instrument has been used since Kirat age. Though there are Dhimay of different sizes they are of same shape and appearance. It is made of hollow wooden frame of metal whose both ends are shield with skins. One side is played by necked hand and the other one is with a stick. The side which is played with nacked hand is very thinly coated with masala. It resembles the Chyabrung of Kirat Rai’s and Dhola of Tharus.

This instrument is mostly used in Newar culture by “Jyapu” caste of Kathmandu valley. They play these musical instruments in different festivals and programs.

The size of this instrument is mostly 40 inch-radius and 17 inch- length to 51 inch-radius and 21 inch-length. The wooden part is covered with metal to make it attractive. Along with this instrument other instruments like Bhushya, Chushya and Tai-nai are also played. Mostly Bhushya is played and its size is around 10 to 21 inch. In Lalitpur, this instrument is played during Machhindra Nath Jatra and in different occasions. This instrument is one of the main instrument played in Newar culture.

Bhushya is a pair of metallic cymbals with straps to fasten around the wrists. It is a complementary instrument. Technically, these are idiophones. This instrument is played with Dhimay or with other membranophones. The size of Bhushya is around 10 to 21 inch (25 to 53 cm). This instrument is played during different occasions and is one of the main instrument played in Newar culture.

Gunla ( a month according to Nepal Era ) is taken as Buddhist holy month. As Dhah is played during Gunla it is also termed as 'Gunla Bajan'. It looks similar to Dhimay but is slightly smaller. 

Dhaa is constructed from cylindrical hollowed tree trunk slightly smaller than that of Dhimay. Tuning paste is stuck at the inner side of Mankah. Tuning paste is made of castor seeds, mustard oils etc. 

Besides in the Gunla month, Dhaa is also practiced in different dances and other different festivities. 

Dhaa is accompanied with Bhusya (pair of cymbals), Tah (smaller cymbals), Muhali (clarinet/trumpets) or Bansuri (flute ). Ponga is also played in Bhairab dance. 

Myth says, Pachhima was invented by lord Krishna. This instrument is also known Khing in Newar language or as Mridanga. The appearance of Pachhima is similar to the shape of Khhen (egg), so it is named as Khing. It is a double headed drum with tuning paste in on hide (Nasah) and dough made of wheat flour is plastered in the other hide (Mankah) before playing.  The average size of Pachhima is 24 inches long, 12 inches wide at the middle and at the end of one side it is 8 inches while other side is 9.5 inches. Both the ends of the instrument are covered with the skin of animals in which Khau (a black spot) to give melodious sound is filled partly. The larger side of the instrument is named as Manka and smaller one as Nas. Pachhima is accompanied with Baboocha (thinner cymbals), Tah (thicker cymbal), Muhali (shwam) or Bansuri (flute).

It is another musical instrument used in many rituals. This instruments is mainly played by the Khadgis, however, this instrument is also played by other castes. It is also called as 'Nyakhin' or 'Dyah Khin'. It is one of the nine Tha Bajas of Nau Baja which is similar to the small size Dha. The side which is shield with skin is not coated with any kind of masalas in this instrument. The Nyakhin looks similar to Dhah but it is smaller. It is constructed from hollowed tree trunk of an average size of 14" length and 7" diameter. Nyakhin is played by producing a rubbing vibrato in Mankah hide. Whilst playing as the 'Seeh bajan', Nyakhin is accompanied with Chhusyah and Kaha. Similarly, whilst playing as the 'Gunla bajan' Tah is also played and instead of Kaha, Muhali is played. Since it is also played in funeral processions it is also known as 'Seeh Bajan' (funeral drum). Long long ago, there was a tradition to play fanfare on Nyakhin to proclaim the news. In the Malla period, proclaiming by beating of Nyakhin was widely spread.

It is played in special period of every festivals and Jatras. The newars of Kathmandu plays this instrument while taking dead body of any person to the Ghat.

Dapa Khin:
Dapa Khin has various names: Yakah Khin, Joh khin, Lala Khin, Deshi Khin, for instance. It is double headed drum with tuning paste in both hides. Dapa Khin is mainly played in Dapa Bhajans (traditional hymns). If a single Khin is played it is called Yakah Khin and if two Khins are played, they are called as 'Joh Khin'. 

Dapa Khin is accompanied with Tah, Baboo and Bansuri (flute) or Muhali (Shwam).

Koncha Khin:
Koncha Khin is single headed drum resembling Tabla. It is also termed as 'Khicha Khwah Khin' as it is said that dogs start to cry when Koncha Khin is played. Koncha Khin is mainly played in marriage processions and accompanied with baboo, Tah and Baya or Muhali.

Pastah Khin:
Also known as Kwatah Khin, Pasta Khin is a combination of Dapha Khin and NayaKhin. Ancient stone images of people playing Pastah Khin signifies its use since ancient time.

Pastah Khin is an important instrument in Bajrayan sect of Buddhism. Pastah Khin is accompanied with Ponga and Tah.
Nagara is a kettle drum played with two sticks. This instrument has been described in purans as Dundubhi, Dundhu, Dundhub, Bheri, Adamber etc. It is often played in pair, known as Joh Nagara. Nagara is also played in Panchai Baja as Damaha. It is too played in Mahakali Dance.It is accompanied with Chhusyah and Muhali.

Kantan Dab Dab:
Also known as Damaru, it is a small two headed drum with straps. It is the instrument played by lord Shiva. Kantan Dab Dab is especially played during Mohani Festival.

Magah Khin:
This two headed drum with tuning paste at both ends belongs to magar community, however it has become an important part in Newar folk music. It is said that there are fifty four talas of Magah Khin. It is commonly known as Madal.

Daha, or a tambourine is a percussion instrument played in Bansuri Bajan or Khin Bajan. It is also used whilst singing songs and in Bhajans.

Kota is one of the major typical musical instruments of Badhya cast of Newars which is a combination of three Tha Bajas. Kota is played along with Pona and has a special importance. Especially it is played on Shrawan Gulamas, Chiva puja and other major pujas in the Buddish monasterys. Though it is one of the major musical instruments of Buddhist it is also given a special place in Nau Baja which shows the presence of multi religious aspects in Newar culture.


Dholak resembles Dhah in structure and its playing techniques are similar to that of Paschima. Dholak is played in Dhalcha Bhajans and also accompanies Bansuri.

Nau Baja:
Nau Baja stands for Dha, Kot, Pachima, Dhancha, Dhime, Dholak, Kokhing, Nyakhing and Nagara in total nine combined musical instruments (skin made related) played in the special occasions and fesvitals is one of the unique and important traditional music of Newari community of Bhaktapur. It is a living legend of Newari culture. Though Nau Baja is a combination of nine major musical instruments as mentioned above other helping musical instruments like Muhali, Ponga, Bayecha, Sichha, Bhuchhya, and Ta are used to add melody in the music. This is why Nau Baja can be categorized into three parts according the musical instruments used. 

Tha Baja: Nine major instruments; Dhha, Kota, Pachhima, Dhhancha, Dhime, Dholak, Kokhhincha, Nayakhhincha and Nagara.

Dhatu Baja: Supporting instruments; Dhuchha, Sichha, Khwolimalicha and Ta.

Fwu Baja: Instruments played by the blow of air; Ponga, Muhali and Bayecha.

Pona :
     It is a kind of musical instrument played by blowing the air. It is also a unique musical instrument of Newar traditional music which is only used by Newar communities. About 1 meter long this instrument is played in Dafa Bhajan, Gula Baja, Kota etc. It is played especially at the time of starting some good deeds or programs.  Besides Newars other class of people in Nepal also plays a similar musical instrument as Pona but their melody, musical composition and way of blowing the air is very different than this.

Though it is not a Newar instrument it has become an integral part in many rituals. Dhyangro is basically played by Jhankris (Witch Doctors) or Kirats.

The word 'Tah' comes from ' Tala ' which is derived from 'Tandava' and 'Lasya'. Tah controls Tandava and Lasya of Music. It controls whole rythm of music. Tah is considered as the principle musical instruments among all Newar musical instruments. Tah, apair os thicker cymbal, is made of Asta Dhatu (an alloy of eight holy metals). It accompanies Dhah, Dapha Khin, Paschima, Koncha Khin, Naya Khin (when played as Gunla Bajab) and others.

It is thinner than Tah; however, it is bigger in size. It is also made of Asta Dhatu. It accompanies Dapha Khin, Pachima, Koncha Khin, Dholak and others.

Also known as Sichhya, Chhusyah resembles Baboocha but is bigger in size. It accompanies Naya Khin, Nagara and others.

Tain Nain:
TainNain is a gong; it is played by striking with a stick. It accompanies Dhimay.

Tini Muni:
It is a percussion instrument consisting of a steel rod bent in the shape rod a triangle. It is played by striking with another steel rod. It is played in Dhalcha Bhajans.

Gan or a bell plays a vital role in ceremonial worships such as Shradh, Janko, Ihi and so on. There are various types of bells in practice: Big, Small, Wind bell, Bajra Ghanta, for instance.

Piwancha is two or three stringed instrument. It is especially played by jyapu (Newar farmer). Unfortunately, it has been extinct.

Muhali is a conical bore shawm, which is played only by Jogi (Kusule) caste. Jogis are given Khanki (land) for playing Muhali in various occasions. There is a tradition to play Muhali everyday in Phalchas, i.e. roofed rest places, which tradition is also known as Siwa Yayegu. Muhali accompanies Dhah, Dapha Khin, Paschima, Nagara and others. Muhali solo is played in Digu Puja.

Bansuri (Flute):

Bansuri is a woodwind instrument which accompanies mainly Paschima, Dapha Khin or Koncha Khin. Basuri are of three kinds: Ghor, Majhawala and Teep, producing low, middle and high tones.

Baya resembles Bansuri but they are different in construction and playing techniques. Baya accompanies mainly Koncha Khin. Koncha Khin and Baya are played in marriage procession.

Also known as Payantah, Ponga is a long wind instrument made of brass. Pongas are made by Tamoh or Tamrakar (Newar Coppersmith). It accompanies Kwatah Khin and it is also played in Bhailah Pyakhan (Bhairab Dance).

Kaha resembles Ponga. It is also known as Indra Baja and it is believed to be invented at the time of Manju Shree. It is played with Naya Khin In many festivals nd also playd in funeral processions. There is a typical caste, called Kabuja, who play Kaha.

Nekoo or horn instrument is the oldest form of musical instruments in the globe. It is played during Gunla month. There are various types of Nekoo, Chatti Nekoo, Thika Nekoo, for instance.

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